Perfect for: Dessert
Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 40 mins
Serves: 4
This is another of our household autumn favourites. It is very easy but looks like you’ve made an effort. It is best served hot from the oven with a scoop of ice cream, a drizzle of cream or a large dollop of Greek yogurt. The directions for the toffee sauce may seem a little strange, and you will be forgiven for thinking that the whole thing looks like a culinary disaster just before you put it in the oven-but trust me, it works and never fails to amaze and please!
Heat the oven to 180C / fan 160C / Gas 4
Grease a 2-litre/3½-pint ovenproof dish lightly with butter.
Peel, core and slice the apples. Bramley or any other cooking variety will do the trick

Tip the flour, sugar and baking powder, along with a pinch of salt, into a large bowl (your dry ingredients). In a large jug or separate bowl mix together the milk, butter, egg and vanilla extract (your wet ingredients). Stir the wet ingredient mix into the dry ingredient mix until you get a smooth batter.

Arrange the apples in the dish (it doesn’t matter if they have gone a bit brown by now), spoon the batter on top and smooth with a knife until the apples are covered.

For the toffee sauce pour 250ml boiling water over the dark brown sugar and stir together until smooth.

Pour the liquid over the pudding mixture (this is the part where you may start doubting this recipe but hang in there!)
Bake for about 40 mins until the pudding has risen and is golden.
Use a big spoon to serve the pudding, making sure you get some of the gooey toffee sauce which you will discover to your delight covering the bottom of the dish under the apples. Serve with pouring cream, warm custard, vanilla ice cream or with a generous dollop of Greek yogurt which is a compliment to the sweet apples and toffee sauce.
Is there a mistake with the volume of wet ingredients, as I’ve had this in the oven for well over an hour and it’s still liquid! I made it to the exact measurements and method as above but something is not right!